Site & Heritage Consulting

We understand that complex relationships with specific sites are often shaped by personal, social, political and historical moments.

These moments determine how we engage with an artwork that can sometimes be perceived as an intrusion in a familiar landscape. Other Spaces Projects undertakes rigorous research into the history of a site before drawing up the terms of engagement between a potential artwork and its position in the landscape, cityscape, or interior.


When encountering an artwork outside the museum or gallery, the site acquires a significance that it may not have had otherwise. The viewer comes to understand that the work and the site are either in dialogue, uninterested in one another, or in tension. It is in the hybrid space between the meaning of the site and a percieved meaning of the artwork, that the viewer finds their own personal way of interpreting the experience.


The following is a list of priorities that outline the various complex ways in which an artwork engages with both viewer and site.

I Form

I-A Light
I-B Volume
I-C Material
I-D Colour
I-E Shape
I-F Time

II Content

II-A Representation
II-B Narrative
II-C Symbol
II-D Text
II-E Sound
II-F Motion
II-G Performance
II-H Concept

III Function

III-A Personal
III-B Social
III-C Political
III-D Conceptual
III-E Educational
III-F Memorial
III-G Ornamental

IV Affect

IV-A Interest
IV-B Pleasure
IV-C Surprise
IV-D Distress
IV-E Fear
IV-F Shame
IV-G Contempt
IV-H Anger

When considering an artwork for a specific site, it is important to discern which priorities are most important.